The big recap post has finally arrived;Five days for a show is a pretty long time,
Five days of photos is a pretty good amount of photos,
Five days of inside jokes, "blog-worthy" moments, and amazing people...
And one post to recap it all?
Let's just say this is a pretty hefty one.
Be prepared.The Booth;
New Additions;
Debut of my new t-shirt line only calls for some
revamping of the booth. It was a good feeling.
The Booth in Action;

The Awesome People I Got to Reunite With in San Diego;
Or finally meet for the first time.
1. Esther Lee; Our mama for the week. She fed us, gave us a place to sleep, and came to support us during her lunch breaks. 2. Daniel Yee; It's been a while since I've seen this fool. Super amazing to catch up! Thanks for the support and sips of Hef at the wing place. 3. Sarah Ku; Another talented artist that needs to quit school so she can pursue her art with me. Just keeeding. Kind of... 4. Erin Lee (aka ernalee); One of my favorite etsy customers turned friend. Thank you for your incredible support, and you finally got to see my stuff in person! 5. Lucy Li; Marketing Manager/Director of the Red Light Movement, an organization in hopes to fight and spread awareness of human trafficking. After a visit at my booth, she invited me to take part by donating my items to one of their events to help raise money for their cause. I'll be recapping more on this in a future post (including my donations to the Children's Health Awareness Day Art Show for the Invisible Children organization at UCSD).
Hottest People Walking on the UCSD Campus;
I think the coolest thing I got to witness at this show that I
don't normally get to experience at my other one-day shows
is actually catching students wearing them around campus.
Of course, I convinced them to model for me.
1-2. Amy; "Flying Panda" Tee in Sea Foam.
3. Sarah; "I Am A Ninja" Tank in Heather Grey.
4. Edriza; Steppie buttons.
5. Navneeta; "Bird Talk" Tote Bag.
6. Christine; "Flying Panda" Tee in Sea Foam and "Bird Talk" Messenger Bag.
7. Christina; "I Am A Ninja" Tank in Heather Grey. 8. Monica; "Flying Panda" Tote Bag.
9-10. Jenny; "Flying Panda" Tee in Heather Grey (and I'm sporting the new
Jennifer Chung tee in Lemon, coming soon!).
My Favorite Person;
Thank you for driving down to SD to be my 'assistant,' even
though you actually spent more of your time fetching me food and
talking to Nick about WOW. Regardless, I love you!
1. Because we're cute.
2. Sporting his new "I Am A Ninja" Tee in Heather Grey and becoming my new walking manikin for the day.
3. He really is a ninja.
4. A looksies at the back of my tees (please ignore the sun spots).
5. Because we're creepy, and we're really good at making creepster faces.
6. Morris and Nick (Danni's boyfriend) bonding...
7. ...Over WOW (World of Warcraft) and nerdy strategy talk.
We Did It;
Danni and I doing our little victory dance before closing up
for the last time with the people we couldn't do it without.
(You deserve a little dance too... you made it to the end of this post!)
1. Danni and I; pooped but happy!
2. Danni, Thomas, and I; Thomas (our booth neighbor) was probably king to all our favorite quotes that week, but the one he said before we took this photo was A+.
3. Esther, me, and Danni; The ladies!
4. JR (mercur!), Morris, and Nick; The fellas... falling victim to Danni's flower hair clips.
5. Group photo; We're awesome.
6. Steps and Danns; Danni, you're amazing. Thank you for inspiring me, motivating me, and being my partner in crime this craft season. This is only the beginning... see you in a few days for UCI's vendor fair!
That concludes my fatty recap post! Because you love me (and this post took me a long time to do);
click to the comment section below and say hello. :)